«alvier» - Montage & Testing


Posted 27 June, 2023

«alvier» - Montage & Testing

Seit Anfang Juni konnte die Arbeit an ALVIER glücklicherweise jedoch wieder aufgenommen werden. Unter Einhaltung der vom BAG und der ETH empfohlenen Massnahmen nach den Lockerungen, konnten Stück für Stück Teile an das Carbon Monocoque montiert werden.


Dank der Unterstützung unserer Fertigungspartner trotz schweren Zeiten können wir darauf hinarbeiten, ALVIER so bald wie möglich auf der Teststrecke fahren zu sehen. Das neue komplette Aerodynamikpaket nimmt so Tag für Tag weiter an Form an. Die Vorfreude, die neuen Entwicklungen und deren Einfluss auf den Abtrieb im Windkanal validieren zu können, nimmt mit jedem neu gefertigten Teil zu.

Rolling Shakedown

Vor Kurzem stand ALVIER zum ersten Mal auf eigenen Rädern. Beim sogenannten “Rolling Shakedown” konnten wir das Auto zum ersten Mal rollen sehen. Auch wenn es erst nur gestossen wurde, so war dieser Moment ein Meilenstein für das Team.

Was sonst in den letzten Monaten alles so passiert ist und welchen Herausforderungen wir uns in den kommenden Zeiten noch stellen müssen, lesen sie hier im Newsletter.


The logo of BMW Group. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Maxon Group. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of RUAG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Sauter Bachmann. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of thyssenkrupp Presta AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.

Premium Sponsoren

The logo of CNC Dynamix AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Computer Controls. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of distec ag. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Elektrisola Feindraht AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Feramic AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Julius Bär. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Vacuumschmelze. They are sponsor of amz racing.


The logo of ABB. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Amsler & Frey AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of ANB Boumi AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of autobau. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Axalta. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Bosch Car Service. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Cimform AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Curtiss-Wright. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of DOHNER AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of embotech. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Formbar. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of HLM. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of HUBER+SUHNER. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Kistler. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Leica Geosystem. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Lemo . They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of libs. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of LW. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Manser AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of MEGA AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Rau AG. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Siemens. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Sika. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Speedgoat. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Switzerland Innovation. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of tecnopinz. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of verwo. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of vincotech. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of wkk. They are sponsor of amz racing.
The logo of Würth Elektronik. They are sponsor of amz racing.